Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What next???

Hey fellas,

It’s been a Long time since I updated the blog. I’ve been getting quite a few compliments my latest post, but I’d really appreciate if they were more conspicuous, like in the form of comments J. I’ve gotta admit, I’m in a lot of pain, my shoulders, and arms are killing me. I exercised after a hiatus of two months and the effects are showing. But in a way it’s a great feeling coz I know the exercise working.

Now, coming back to the blog, to be honest, I don’t have any good reason for not updating the blog. Boredom, laziness could explain the actual reason may be. There were times when I started with a new post and after writing a couple of lines, gave up coz it didn’t quite seem to show the passion which I believe is imperative in writing.

I was scanning through the newspaper today and the latest and hottest topic in the news and rightfully so, is the bomb blast in Pune on the 13th of Feb, or as the news channels have termed it, 13/2. The police, the ATS are probing into the case and the papers say that they are onto something big and the case would be solved soon. There is just one question I have, what next? What will we achieve after we apprehend the guilty? We already know it’s the Pakistanis who are funding these operations and David Headley was the behind it (who I might add won’t be caught anytime soon since he is safe in Pakistan under refuge). There is no real use in only catching these terrorists, they are defiant to the authority and they are proud of the murder they carry out in the name of jihad. It is really pathetic nab them and put them behind bars, feed them well, and spend loads of money on them that people like you and me give away in the form of taxes. I would not mind paying more tax if I know the extra money is being used to buy guns to kill these jihadis or to buy torture equipment to brutally treat those caught for terrorism.

The point we fail to make as so called lovers of peace, is that merely stating that ‘We want peace’ will never get you that. It’s been years since India is begging for peace with Pakistan with no real results. It’s necessary to make a stronger statement than those who goad the terrorists to do what they do. Unless they are sure, they will be executed in the most unceremonious manner after being caught, they are not going to stop.

Thus, the point I am trying to make is that catching the terrorists should not be the main aim, what you do with them should be the focus. Yeah, I remember the dialog that Amitabh Bachchan delivered in the Hritik Roshan starrer Lashya when one of the soldiers asks him to not bury the dead bodies of the Pak soldiers, ‘Humme (Indian Army) aur unme (Pak army) mein farak kya reh jayega’, but it’s time that we remove this ‘farak’, and show them that messing with India comes with a heavy price.