Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just for the sake of it

Hello guys, it’s been a long hiatus between the previous post and this one. There were various reasons that contributed for the gap, but the biggest reason was laziness. Most of us have a lot of vigor when we start a new activity, and it ebbs as we continue to do it. This is a classic example of that  However, recently I found out that some people find my blog very interesting and anticipate new posts (I was oblivious to this earlier). This prompted me to start writing again, it may not be that frequent, but yes I’ll definitely write.

The title for today’s post protrudes things done in a very insipid manner, just for the sake of doing it. Although, I can site many examples of such things, but since we are onto blogging, I’ll restrict it to this field. All of us know that blogging has become the favorite past-time of many people these days (not to mention the head-ache of some others). Recently, I come across some super pathetic blogs, that unintentionally ridicule the language in which they are written (English in this case), to such an extent, that you ire by the mere site of such a travesty of the language. There is a person I know, who is an avid blogger. He has all the virtues necessary to write, the zeal, the patience to research on things, the time to dedicate to writing. He lacks only one virtue, the skill to write (not to be taken in a positive way, I mean to say he absolutely sucks at it). The problem is not that one lacks the skill, the problem is, that if you lack a skill, try to improve it. I agree, blogging is one of the better ways to improve your language, but people fail to understand, using pompous language is always a secondary part, the first skill of a language is to learn its grammar. It’s no use writing, if reading your blog goads people to wish to kill you by the shear pathetic language it uses.

I’ve had people tell me that they need to improve their English vocab. But guys, you forget, building vocab is not all that difficult, work on your basic grammar, the tenses, etc. and then comes the accent (if you have to speak more) and then the vocabulary.

So do blog, it’s a wonderful way to share your experiences and thoughts, but if you don’t improve at it with every post, it’s time you start to rethink about blogging.