Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A succinct explanation of the battle

Hello guys,

Sorry for not updating the blog yesterday. I had gone to a drama with my parents and got home very late, but more on that later. First, to complete the exam experience.

In the story so far, I had finished my breakfast and left for the exam center. It took be about 20-25 mins to reach there. By my watch (I'd borrowed one from my Dad), it was 8:55. The exam was scheduled at 10 and I still had one full hour to go. I decided to shop for a bottle of mineral water to kill some time. It did kill 10 mins but that was not enough. Finally, I decided to go the hall and check to see if someone else had also come. To my surprise, there were two people already present, discussing about the exam and admissions. It didn't take us long to get introduced to each other. The discussion was mostly related to the exam and the sections of the exam, but later, it shifted to the colleges which offer MBA, various countries, etc. After 10-15 minutes some more people arrived. Now the discussion started to become intriguing with each one of us sharing his experience of the preparation exam. Four of us were from IT (that in itself explained how common our profile was, IIM - Indian IT Male), one from a mechanical background and one a business analyst. We had a very interesting discussion none the less. It was now 10:00 and the person at the counter asked for our passports. Fear now started to insinuate itself in our hearts. It was not long before the first person was called to start off with the initial formalities.

I was the second person to get in. The first procedure is to match your sign with the one on your passport. Then they take your hand print and your photo. The procedures were now done and they showed us the boxes where we would sit to give the exam. The instructor logged us in and the exam started. I guess it would be a bore if I describe the exam experience to you (Frankly, I am a lil bored to write all of that :)) All in all, it was experience that will certainly help me for my next exam.

Tomorrow, I'll post a review of the Marathi Play 'Sarkha Chatit Duktae'

Till then,

Adieus Amigos