Sunday, October 25, 2009

German, French or Spanish?

This was one dilemma that I was facing, which language should I learn. I had three options in my list viz. German, French and Spanish. I knew I had to add at least one of these languages to my repertoire. I discussed with my friends about the advantages of each. Personally, German for some reason was with the lowest priority on my list. I figured, German is mostly spoken in Germany (apart from Austria and Switzerland) and at least at this point, I have no plans (at least for study) to go to these places. Also, with the ken of how wretched my company is, I know I am never going there at least for my company's sake.

As far as French goes, I am really a little apprehensive to go to France. I fail to understand the point, in ONLY speaking French in the country. It is understandable to the extent that it is imperative for the people in the country to speak the language, but it is absolutely untenable to make it imperative for the tourists to speak French. Sadly, its an ignominy on the part of the French to do so. How do you justify (indirectly) asking a tourist to learn the language for a sojourn. Consequently, French was out of the list now.

Spanish was now the only language remaining on the list. I had a chat with my friend Rahul who’s in the US pursuing his Master's degree. He advised me to go for Spanish. Just to shed some light on Spanish, it is the second language in the US. Also, 13% of the populace in the States speak Spanish. Moreover, it is the official language of 22 countries. These were reasons enough for me to take up Spanish. For someone planning to go to the US, having a certification in Spanish is definitely an added advantage.

My mind was set. Spanish was the language for me. Without much ado, I inquired about a couple of classes. Among those, Multiversity seemed a good choice. I've got the admission now and classes start form 1st Nov. Let's see how it works out, will keep you guys updated.

Catch ya later,
