Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The joy of everyday things

People often look for jubilation in big successes. These successes can include anything from a job change to buying a car. We strive for these achievements. But we often neglect the small successes. The miniscule things we achieve that go unnoticed.

The result of everything you do depends on one thing only; YOUR CONFIDENCE. Where does this confidence come from, some of us talk ourselves through it,” yes you can do it”, some of us consult our friends, some of us pessimists say, “I’m not gonna make it”. You don’t need to go anywhere for confidence. Everything you ever wanted is right in front of you, all you need to do, is look.

A fat guy, who doesn’t exercise, goes to the gym and puts in 10 pushups; that is achievement. If he tells his pushup story to his friends, they’ll ridicule him, because that is his achievement, not theirs. The point to be understood here is, look for the things that you can do, that you could not do some time ago. It may be a very very small thing for someone else, but it matters to you. It is something you could not achieve; it is something you never ever thought you would do. But today, it is something that you have accomplished. People make the mistake of comparing their lives with others. They don’t look at their 10 pushups; they writhe in the melancholy of their friend’s achievement of 20.

I still remember the time, when I was out of shape, my stamina sucked and I could barely do 10 pushups. It was not more than 1 and half years ago. If anyone would have told me then, dude in 1.5 years, you’d be in the best shape of your life, you’d have the stamina to trek better than your friends, you’d be able to do 70,80 pushups, I’d have laughed. I wanna be honest with you guys; I could never ever even imagine me being physically active and fit. I remember the day when I started going to the gym, it was the 4th of August, 2007. I remember the moment I listed an entry in the attendance book. That was the first day and I haven’t looked back since. Today when I start my exercise and do those pushups I could never do, I get an immense joy that yes, I can do it. I can do what I never could. Today when I take bath with cold water, I know this is something I could never think of doing. It is a very stupid thing to brag about your cold water bath, but it is not something to brag about, it is something to feel happy about.

After reading this post, think to yourself, today, did you do something that you were not able to do before? If the answer is yes, smile to yourself, be happy, because u have achieved a feat. Don’t think about how small a thing it is for anyone else, it matters to you, and that is important. If the answer is no, do something tomorrow so that the answer will be yes. Confidence is not something you tell yourself; it is something you get, by being yourself and doing things yourself.

Remember, you are the protagonist of your own movie; the others are just the audience. Make the movie such that others watch in awe for the extravagant work of art you are making.