Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Akshay

Hola Amigos!!!

Well, I thought the least I could do was start with a salutation in Spanish since I’ve embarked on the journey to learn the wonderful language. First of all, my sincere apologies for this long hiatus in updating the blog. I had many personal activities going on and I couldn’t devote any time to blogging. Also, to be honest, I couldn’t even devote time to conjure up an idea to write about in the blog. As they say, look no further, for I was checking my gmail, and saw a mail from my friend Rahul. He suggested writing about Akshay’s birthday celebration. For those of you who don’t now, Akshay is one of my best friends and also, now my roommate.

Akshay’s birthday is on the 9th of November. This year, it was a Monday. The tentative plan was (also the stereotypical one) to bring a cake and cut it at midnight. I was outside on Sunday (the day before the big day) and I wanted it to be a surprise for him. I called him up to inform him that I am not going to be home for the night. The ever exited guy that he is, was fast asleep on the night before his birthday (usually one would expect calls then :D). I had already brought a chocolate cake and at the stroke of midnight, Ashwani and I (another of my best friends) were gonna crash the place with the cake. Everything went according to the plan, we came in on time and took him by surprise (or at least I think we did). I don’t know, but I hope he expected me bringing the cake. Then finding time between the many calls he was receiving, we sang the birthday anthem and sliced the cake, with a lot of the cream being applied on his visage. The ceremony didn’t last that long and we all went to bed soon.

The next day, was the main program, THE BIRTHDAY BUMPS. The plan was orchestrated by Amol (not much to say about him :D) and Nikhya (Nikhil Bhai). The plan was that they would come to our place with the cake, some candles and cold drinks. For the plan to execute, it was imperative for me to delay Akshay’s coming home from the office (at least till the time they get home). I had a great plan; I told Akshay that I have to get some stuff from my old house, so we had to go there. I knew I could pass as much time as I wish there so it was a good plan. It worked well, and after a while after going there, I got Nikhil’s call that Amol and he had reached our place. It was now time to head back home. As we reached there and parked the bike, we saw them, with the evil reflecting on their countenance. It was clear that something devious was up their sleeves. Steven Covey is the author of the book, ‘First Things First’. It was the same case here, and the first thing was to wet Akshay by pouring a bucket of water over his head (not to mention over his new half sleeves shirt). Then we poured Thumbs-Up followed by cracking an egg over his head. I know it sounds stark but that was the plan. Now came the kicks, it was Nikhil and I holding Akshya and Amol with the kicks on the keister. Amol is a martial arts expert and if there is one thing he can do well, its use his legs. The ruckus was so much that people thought we are having a fight and came in to stop us. So as to not to make a scene (as if it already wasn’t) we came upstairs to the house.

Akshay took a bath and now there were some more kicks to be landed. After some more leg swings, the ceremony was declared and now it was time to cut the cake. The ceremony deviated from the normal because it involved Amol being kicked by all of us :D). After the cake cutting, it was now time for a party. It had gotten pretty late and we had to leave soon, else we might have had to sleep empty stomach. We finally left at around 11. The venue for the party was Garden Court (a hotel that I would recommend very few people to go to) .The dinner marked the end of the birthday, it was great day and a day on which I hope Akshay had a lot of fun.

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